Grade 5 Bridge to Terabithia Book Report Bingo

While grades 7 & 8 prepare for exams, grades 5 and 6 have been concluding the year with novel studies. Grade 6 students are reading A Wrinkle in Time and Grade 5s have read Frindle and Bridge to Terabithia.

For Bridge to Terabithia, grade 5s are doing Book Report Bingo projects. Each team is to complete four activities: One creative writing, two creative interpretation / arts activities, and one analytical activity. These activities are related to setting, plot, and character development; and are meant to extend the students’ reading beyond the book

All projects will be posted to your student’s blog – please check them out! Below is one example from each group. Projects are due Friday, June 3rd at the end of class.

Hugh, Ellison, and Robert’s original fairy tale for Terabithia:

Bridge to Terabithia: the Fairy Tale (password: kfs)

Aidan and Dana’s Lego Diorama for Bridge to Terabithia

FullSizeRender (3)

Anna and Mina’s book cover for Bridge to Terabithia

BTT Book Cover Anna and Mina


Grade 8 Problem Based Learning

Grade 8 was presented with the question “What does a perfect middle school look like?” As experts, with four years of middle school behind them, the grade 8s came up with many ideas.

Each student had to choose their three favorite ideas and conduct research to find evidence to support their argument that these ideas should be brought to KFS. Then, students wrote argument essays to support their ideas (with full MLA citations, of course!). Finally, they were tasked with making persuasive videos to share with Mr. Stock.

Student videos are below. Great job, Grade 8!

Summer Reading Recommendations

Need a great book to keep you hooked this summer?

Check out these lists of great reads for Middle School Students and Teens!